In This Issue 1. USADWEB Provides Free Quotes and Media Search 2. Choosing a Correct Newspaper of General Circulation 3. USADWEB Understands Supervised Recruitment |
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1. USADWEB Provides Free Quotes and Media SearchUSADWEB continues to provide free quotes and media search for your convenience. We understand that the PERM advertising process can be complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, when requesting a quote, you are under no obligation to order the ads. Our ad representatives are always willing to assist you by researching appropriate publications, providing price quotes for ads, and answering any other questions you might have. You can always feel free to contact an ad representative to assist you!
2. Choosing a Correct Newspaper of General Circulation
The Department of Labor (DOL) requires that 2 Sunday ads be placed in the newspaper of general circulation for the geographic area of the proposed job location. Oftentimes, the paper might be an obvious choice, such as the use of the New York Times for New York City. In some cases, the employer might suggest a newspaper with which they are familiar and which they have used previously to place advertisements. However, if you are unsure of the correct publication to use, you can always rely on USADWEB to select a newspaper for your approval.
USADWEB uses various Internet search tools to research the area of employment and to determine the appropriate paper of general circulation, confirming that the paper publishes a Sunday edition. Your ad representative can determine the correct paper based on their knowledge of the area from prior advertising experience. Occasionally an attorney might suggest a paper that does not meet the DOL requirements, either because it does not have the appropriate geographical distribution, or because it does not publish on Sunday. In such cases, your ad representative will advise you of this and recommend an alternative paper for your consideration.
3. USADWEB Understands Supervised Recruitment
USADWEB understands that there may be times when your case’s Certifying Officer (CO) determines it appropriate to conduct supervised recruitment relating to either pending or future labor certification (LC) applications.
USADWEB will place your ads according to the CFR § 656.21 regulations:
1. In a newspaper of general circulation OR in a trade, professional or ethnic publication. The newspaper ad must be published 3 consecutive days, including a Sunday. The trade, professional, or ethnic publication must be placed in the next available edition.
2. AND in any other media deemed necessary by the CO. Please note: The CO may use their discretion to designate additional recruitment steps that the employer must undertake beyond those listed above.
Remember that there are several items that must be addressed prior to contacting USADWEB. A draft of the ad must be given to the CO within 30 days of the notification of the requirement for supervised recruitment. The advertisement must describe the job opportunity, summarize the employer’s minimum job requirements (which may not exceed those on the LC application form), and may not contain a wage below the prevailing wage. In addition, the wage, terms, and conditions cannot be less favorable than those offered to the alien. The employer must offer training if it is a type of position for which training is normally provided. The advertisement must include a job identification number and direct applicants to send their resumes to the CO. The CO will then refer the resumes or applications to the employer.
The CO will provide the employer with the required time frame for placing the ads, and the employer must notify the CO of the specific dates chosen. Lastly, the employer will need to provide a detailed recruitment report to the CO within 30 days of the request.
USADWEB understands the detailed steps required of you, and we are always ready to help you meet these additional requirements!
USADWEB, LLC. is an innovative advertising agency that understands the immigration needs of companies placing recruitment advertising for labor certification cases in PERM and regular processes. For more than half a decade, we have helped law offices and companies all over the United States meet the Department of Labor’s recruiting requirements. Take advantage of our expertise and relationships with publications throughout the country. Our knowledgeable staff has experience placing all forms of recruitment: newspapers, periodicals, journals, internet job search postings, campus recruitment, radio ads, and more. Contact a representative for more information on placing your ads today!
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Finally, if you have any questions or comments regarding anything you read in a NewsBlast, or if you have additional information that you would like to share, please feel free to contact us.