In This Issue 1. What Happens if a Newspaper Drops an Ad? 2. State of Illinois Prevailing Wage Determinations (PWDs) 3. Holiday Cheer! |
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1. What Happens if a Newspaper Drops an Ad?At USADWEB, we understand that meeting your deadlines and providing proofs of publication are two critical elements of your ad campaign. Therefore, when we order your advertisements, we receive written confirmation from the publication that the ad has been released to run for specific dates and that tearsheets will be sent. In spite of this confirmation, sometimes a newspaper or journal will “drop” an ad by failing to publish the advertisement as it was originally scheduled. The failure can be caused by either human error or an occasional computer system glitch at the publication.
USADWEB understands that this is extremely frustrating for clients and can potentially cause problems with meeting strict filing deadlines. This is why we follow up with publications within a week after an ad has been scheduled to run to ensure that tearsheets are dispatched to us as soon as possible. USADWEB also pulls electronic tearsheets weekly to ensure the accuracy of your advertisements. This also allows us to confirm that an ad has in fact run correctly, and enables us to catch any errors so that we can correct them in a timely manner.
While USADWEB is able to eliminate the majority of problems, there are still times when an ad representative assures us that they are sending tearsheets, only to admit, after multiple requests, that the advertisement did not run. In such a case, we will contact you immediately to confirm that the ad can still be run within the required timeframe for your case. Then we will confirm with the paper that the ad will run on the next available date to avoid any further delay. USADWEB works with you to ensure that no additional costs are incurred, and tries, wherever possible, to obtain discounts for the inconvenience caused.
USADWEB realizes the importance of providing you with accurate insertion dates and meeting your time requirements. In the event that a newspaper or other publication does make an error, we will do everything possible to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.
2. State of Illinois Prevailing Wage Determinations (PWDs)
General Information
The Illinois State Workforce Agency (SWA) generally processes Prevailing Wage Determinations (PWDs) through fax or mail submission. The forms are available online at You can also contact an Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) specialist by calling (312) 793-3216 to request an email address where you can email the completed form as a PDF attachment.
The IDES provides employers with a helpful tool: This site was developed by the State of Utah under contract with the US Department of Labor’s Office of Foreign Labor Certification. It can help you to determine an accurate wage so that you can continue the steps for your case while the PWD is being processed. The link also provides salary information for other states.
IL requests that you keep the job description brief and include all job duties specific to the position. All fields must be completed, including the fax number or mailing address to which the determination will be sent.
Jurisdiction Specific Information
Should you wish to dispute the determined wage, you can fax a copy of a recent alternate survey to the IDES office at (312)-793-3216. You can also purchase a published survey and provide it as evidence of a wage that differs from the determination you received.
Processing Times
The current standard processing time is 14 business days. The PWDs are usually not processed sooner than 10 business days, which is why the IDES tool is so helpful.
3. Holiday Cheer!
Recently, the following PERM ad was submitted to us to be quoted for a professional position:
Operations Manager (North Pole): Responsible for the day-to-day management of busy northern workshop; coordinate toy production, budget, shipping and delivery to meet strict deadline. Ensure high product standards. Must be able to commute to location that has darkness 6 months of the year. A Bachelor’s degree and five years experience in Elf Management or Toy Production are required. Send resume to Ho! Ho! Ho! Enterprises, dba Mr. Claus’ Workshop, at [email protected]. Equal Elf Employer
At the attorney’s request, USADWEB will gladly abbreviate the ad text to save on the cost of the ads. The Tundra Times can get pretty expensive! Also, we couldn’t find a local paper that publishes in the North Pole, so we are getting a quote for a radio ad instead.
USADWEB, LLC. is an innovative advertising agency that understands the immigration needs of companies placing recruitment advertising for labor certification cases in PERM processes. For more than half a decade, we have helped law offices and companies all over the United States meet the Department of Labor’s recruiting requirements. Take advantage of our expertise and relationships with publications throughout the country. Our knowledgeable staff has experience placing all forms of recruitment: newspapers, periodicals, journals, internet job search postings, campus recruitment, radio ads, and more. Contact a representative for more information on placing your ads today!
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Finally, if you have any questions or comments regarding anything you read in a NewsBlast, or if you have additional information that you would like to share, please feel free to contact us.