In This Issue 1. The Advertising Process: Fully Educating the Employer 2. Providing O*Net Codes: Ensuring Proper Classification 3. State of Texas Prevailing Wage Determinations (PWDs) as of August 29th, 2008 |
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1. The Advertising Process: Fully Educating the Employer
It is important to make sure that employers understand all steps of the advertising process, including the potential receipt of resumes. There have been instances where employers have contacted the media publication, concerned that an unauthorized advertisement ran for their company. Such situations confuse the media, who do not understand why a company would be unaware of advertisements made on their behalf. In turn, we are usually contacted to verify the authenticity of the ad. In most cases, the situation is resolved by a follow up call from the lawyer to the company to explain the situation.
Employers should also be informed that they may receive a call from the State Workforce Agency (SWA) to verify job order details. Some states, like Florida, will cancel a job order if they are unable to reach the employer’s job contact. Furthermore, employers must understand the importance of posting the job order for 30 days. We have seen cases where employers have contacted the SWA and asked them to close the job order because the position was filled, not realizing that the position needed to remain open for the full 30-day legal requirement.
Making sure that the employers know the details of the advertising campaign upfront is key to the successful placement of recruitment advertising.
2. Providing O*Net Codes: Ensuring Proper Classification
When requesting a job order, it is extremely useful to provide the O*Net Code (Occupations Information Network). By providing the O*Net Code, you ensure that USADWEB can correctly categorize your job in accordance with the Prevailing Wage Determination for that particular Occupation Category. The code is also helpful for determining proper newspaper classification.
Most State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) require the Occupation Category in order to submit a job order, and now America’s Job Exchange (AJE) requires it as well.
The following links are helpful for determining the O*Net Code. These links can also be found in the Links section at
O*Net Online: Primary search site for O*Net Codes
O*Net Connector: Guide list of occupations to help you search for codes; affiliate of O*Net Online
US Department of Labor: Please refer here for questions about O*Net Codes
3. State of Texas Prevailing Wage Determinations (PWDs) as of August 29th, 2008
General Information
The Texas State Workforce Agency (SWA) processes Prevailing Wage Determinations (PWDs) in a way similar to many other states. Their forms must be completed and faxed to 512-463-3055. You can obtain a copy of the form from a link at this site:
Additionally, because the form has a limited amount of space for a job description, the description may be continued on an attachment as long as the description begins in the space provided. Please note that the Texas Workforce asks for specific job location information to better determine the wage.
The Texas Workforce makes their determination by selecting from one of four wage levels available for each occupation. The selection is based upon job requirements and the education, training, and experience required for acceptable performance for which the PWD is sought.
Jurisdiction Specific Information
Texas allows employers to submit published surveys from alternative sources, which may even include employer-conducted surveys. Such surveys are acceptable without providing four skill-based wage levels, as long as they contain an arithmetic mean or a median wage salary figure.
Processing Times
The current standard processing time is within 3 business days. The Texas Workforce may take up to 2 weeks during peak processing seasons.
USADWEB, LLC. is an innovative advertising agency that understands the immigration needs of companies placing recruitment advertising for labor certification cases in PERM and regular processes. For more than half a decade, we have helped law offices and companies all over the United States meet the Department of Labor’s recruiting requirements. Take advantage of our expertise and relationships with publications throughout the country. Our knowledgeable staff has experience placing all forms of recruitment: newspapers, periodicals, journals, internet job search postings, campus recruitment, radio ads, and more. Contact a representative for more information on placing your ads today!
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